Saints of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries

• Carlo da Sezze, (Sezze, October 19, 1613 – Rome, January 6, 1670) was a Franciscan religious, mystic, who received the stigmata.

• Teresa d’Ávila (in religion: Teresa de Jesús) is a Spanish nun, born March 28, 1515 in Gotarrendura (Old Castile) and died October 4, 1582 in Alba de Tormes. Deeply mystical, she leaves writings on her spiritual experience which make her regarded as a major figure in Christian spirituality.

• Elie Neau, born in 1662 in Moëze in the current department of Charente-Maritime, and died on September 7, 1722 in New York, is a French Huguenot, recognized as a saint by the Episcopal Church for his work aimed at improving conditions of life and restore dignity to slaves.

• Rosa of Lima (1586-1617), canonized in 1671, is the first saint of the New World.